It is believed that Cinnabar has strong metaphysical properties that can stimulate psychic transformation and spiritual energy manifestation. This stone can enable shape-shifting abilities.The other metaphysical properties of Cinnabar are stimulating vitality, power, and dignity. Other people believe that Cinnabar has financial benefits in helping the merchants to raise their profits.To those doing various community works, Cinnabar can be of immense help. The stone also helps release the negative emotions that are unacknowledged. Putting a crystal of Cinnabar near your bed can help you find love.Cinnabar teaches effective ways of manifesting energy physically. It is a crystal of prosperity. The gemstone is used in magic and alchemy to affect energy transformation. It encourages the flow of Chi within your body and increases your kundalini energy.
4 x 2 x 1"
wt. 1045 lbs.
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