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Blue needle quartz crystals aren’t necessarily rare, but they just usually go unnoticed. You usually find them by surprise when you use a light to see the inside of a crystal, and then you get gifted with the sight of thin blue lines inside the stone. A little known fact is that they aren’t actually needles, but they are very thin lines of trapped gasses. Due to the "Rayleigh" scattering effect (think of the reason why the sky appears to be blue), these thin lines appear blue also. Take the light away, and they disappear, despite the stone still being in a lit room. The first time I saw them was when sunlight hit the side of a citrine, and there they were! Many thin blue lines. I have been amazed by blue needles ever since. You will receive this actual amazing crystal.


wt 0.4 lbs

Clear quartz tower with blue needle inclusions

Only 1 left in stock
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